newJointMove creates a trajectory through joint waypoints
Positions - [numWaypoints x numJoints] matrix
Note that some trajectory algorithms may not support all of
the following parameters.
'Duration' [s] is a scalar that sets the desired duration
at which the trajectory should be completed. This
overwrites any automatically determined duration, so the
resulting trajectory may not be technically feasible.
'Time' [s] is a vector of time constraints for each
waypoint. This overwrites any automatically determined
duration, so the resulting trajectory may not be
technically feasible. The vector needs to start at zero,
be monotonically increasing, and not contain nan or inf.
'Velocities' [rad/s] is a matrix of velocity constraints
for each waypoint. Unspecified values ('nan') will be
determined automatically. If velocities are not specified,
the default assumes zero start and end conditions.
For a waypoint for 4 joints over 5 waypoints this would be
equivalent to the following
defaultVelocities = [
0 0 0 0
nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan
0 0 0 0 ];
'Accelerations' [rad/s^2] is a matrix of acceleration
constraints for each waypoint. Unspecified values ('nan')
will be determined automatically. If accelerations are not
specified, the default is the same as for velocities, i.e.,
zero start and end conditions.
% Setup trajectory generator for a single joint
kin = HebiKinematics();
velocityLimit = kin.getJointInfo().velocityLimit;
trajGen = HebiTrajectoryGenerator(velocityLimit);
% Create trajectory with automated time scaling, with
% specified settings to slow down from defaults.
positions = rand(10, kin.getNumDoF());
trajectory = trajGen.newJointMove(positions);
% Create a trajectory that goes through 10 waypoints
% in 4 seconds.
positions = rand(10, kin.getNumDoF());
trajectory = trajGen.newJointMove(positions, ...
'Duration', 4.0);
% Visualize the trajectory
positions = rand(10, kin.getNumDoF());
trajectory = trajGen.newJointMove(positions);
% Create trajectory
positions = rand(10, kin.getNumDoF());
trajectory = trajGen.newJointMove(positions);
% Manually execute position/velocity/effort trajectory
cmd = CommandStruct();
t0 = tic();
t = toc(t0);
while t < trajectory.getDuration()
fbk = group.getNextFeedback();
% get state at current time interval
t = toc(t0);
[pos, vel, accel] = trajectory.getState(t);
% compensate for gravity
gravityVec = -[fbk.accelX(1) fbk.accelY(1) fbk.accelZ(1)];
gravCompEffort = kin.getGravCompEfforts(fbk.position, gravityVec);
% compensate for accelerations
accelCompEffort = kin.getDynamicCompEfforts(...
fbk.position, ... % used for jacobian
pos, vel, accel);
% send to hardware
cmd.position = pos;
cmd.velocity = vel;
cmd.effort = gravCompEffort + accelCompEffort;
% Setup trajectory generator for a single joint
kin = HebiKinematics();
velocityLimit = kin.getJointInfo().velocityLimit;
trajGen = HebiTrajectoryGenerator(velocityLimit);
% Create single joint trajectory with constraints
positions = [ 0 1 3 3 1 0 ]';
velocities = [ 0 nan 0 0 nan 0 ]';
accelerations = [ 0 nan nan nan nan 0 ]';
waypointTimes = [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ]';
trajectory = trajGen.newJointMove( positions, ...
'Velocities', velocities, ...
'Accelerations', accelerations, ...
'Time', waypointTimes );
% Visualize the position/velocity/accelerations.