MATLAB File Help: HebiEnum
 HebiEnum maps strategies and states to human readable values
   Maps strategy settings and state feedback to human readable
   enum values.
       fbk = group.getNextFeedbackFull();
       if(fbk.temperatureState ~= HebiEnum.TemperatureStateNormal)
           disp('reducing performance due to temperature limits!');
       safetyParams = SafetyParamsStruct();
       safetyParams.mStopStrategy = HebiEnum.MStopStrategyMotorHold;
       safetyParams.positionLimitStrategy = HebiEnum.PositionLimitStrategyHoldPosition;
   For detailed information about each state, please run 'doc HebiEnum'
   or check the online API documentation.
See also
Class Details
Sealed false
Construct on load false
Constructor Summary
HebiEnum maps strategies and states to human readable values 
Property Summary
ArQualityLimitedExcessiveMotion The device is moving too fast for accurate image-based position tracking. 
ArQualityLimitedInitializing The AR session has not yet gathered enough camera or motion data to provide tracking information. 
ArQualityLimitedInsufficientFeatures The scene visible to the camera does not contain enough distinguishable features for image-based position tracking. 
ArQualityLimitedRelocalizing The AR session is attempting to resume after an interruption. 
ArQualityLimitedUnknown Tracking is available albeit suboptimal for an unknown reason. 
ArQualityNormal Camera position tracking is providing optimal results. 
ArQualityNotAvailable Camera position tracking is not available. 
CommandLockStateLockedByOther Commands are locked out due to control from other users. 
CommandLockStateLockedBySender Commands from others are locked out due to control from this group. 
CommandLockStateNotAvailable The state is not available. 
CommandLockStateUnlocked There is no command lifetime active on this module. 
ControlStrategy2 A combination of the position, velocity, and effort loops with P and V feeding to T; documented on under "Control Modes" 
ControlStrategy3 A combination of the position, velocity, and effort loops with P, V, and T feeding to PWM; documented on under "Control Modes" 
ControlStrategy4 A combination of the position, velocity, and effort loops with P feeding to T and V feeding to PWM; documented on under "Control Modes" 
ControlStrategyDirectPWM A direct PWM value (-1 to 1) can be sent to the motor (subject to onboard safety limiting). 
ControlStrategyNotAvailable The strategy is not available or the strategy will not be changed. 
ControlStrategyOff The motor is not given power (equivalent to a 0 PWM value) 
DrivetrainStateNormal The drivetrain is operating normally. 
DrivetrainStateNotAvailable The state is not available. 
DrivetrainStateUncalibratedCurrent The drivetrain is missing current calibration. 
DrivetrainStateUncalibratedEffort The drivetrain is missing effort calibration. 
DrivetrainStateUncalibratedPosition The drivetrain is missing position calibration. 
EffortLimitStateAbove The effort of the module was above the upper safety limit; the motor output is set to return the module to within the limits 
EffortLimitStateAtLower The effort of the module was near the lower safety limit, and the motor output is being limited or reversed. 
EffortLimitStateAtUpper The effort of the module was near the upper safety limit, and the motor output is being limited or reversed. 
EffortLimitStateBelow The effort of the module was below the lower safety limit; the motor output is set to return the module to within the limits 
EffortLimitStateInside The effort of the module was within the safety limits. 
EffortLimitStateNotAvailable The state is not available. 
EffortLimitStateUninitialized The module has not been inside the safety limits since it was booted or the safety limits were set. 
MStopStateNotAvailable The state is not available. 
MStopStateNotTriggered The MStop is not pressed. 
MStopStateTriggered The MStop is pressed. 
MStopStrategyDisabled Triggering the M-Stop has no effect. 
MStopStrategyHoldPosition Triggering the M-Stop results in the actuator holding the position. Operations resume to normal once trigger is released. 
MStopStrategyMotorOff Triggering the M-Stop results in the control strategy being set to 'off'. Remains 'off' until changed by user. 
MStopStrategyNotAvailable The strategy is not available or the strategy will not be changed. 
PositionLimitStateAbove The position of the module was above the upper safety limit; the motor output is set to return the module to within the limits 
PositionLimitStateAtLower The position of the module was near the lower safety limit, and the motor output is being limited or reversed. 
PositionLimitStateAtUpper The position of the module was near the upper safety limit, and the motor output is being limited or reversed. 
PositionLimitStateBelow The position of the module was below the lower safety limit; the motor output is set to return the module to within the limits 
PositionLimitStateInside The position of the module was within the safety limits. 
PositionLimitStateNotAvailable The state is not available. 
PositionLimitStateUninitialized The module has not been inside the safety limits since it was booted or the safety limits were set. 
PositionLimitStrategyDampedSpring Triggering the position limit results in a virtual spring that pushes the actuator back to within the limits.  
PositionLimitStrategyDisabled Triggering the position limit has no effect. 
PositionLimitStrategyHoldPosition Triggering the position limit results in the actuator holding the position. Needs to be manually set to 'disabled' to recover. 
PositionLimitStrategyMotorOff Triggering the position limit results in the control strategy being set to 'off'. Remains 'off' until changed by user. 
PositionLimitStrategyNotAvailable The strategy is not available or the strategy will not be changed. 
ResetButtonStateNotAvailable The state is not available. 
ResetButtonStateNotTriggered The reset button is not pressed. 
ResetButtonStateTriggered The reset button is pressed. 
TemperatureStateCritical Motor output beginning to be limited due to high temperature. 
TemperatureStateExceedMaxBoard Temperature exceeds max allowable for electronics; motor output disabled. 
TemperatureStateExceedMaxMotor Temperature exceeds max allowable for motor; motor output disabled. 
TemperatureStateNormal Temperature within normal range. 
TemperatureStateNotAvailable The state is not available. 
VelocityLimitStateAbove The velocity of the module was above the upper safety limit; the motor output is set to return the module to within the limits 
VelocityLimitStateAtLower The velocity of the module was near the lower safety limit, and the motor output is being limited or reversed. 
VelocityLimitStateAtUpper The velocity of the module was near the upper safety limit, and the motor output is being limited or reversed. 
VelocityLimitStateBelow The velocity of the module was below the lower safety limit; the motor output is set to return the module to within the limits 
VelocityLimitStateInside The velocity of the module was within the safety limits. 
VelocityLimitStateNotAvailable The state is not available. 
VelocityLimitStateUninitialized The module has not been inside the safety limits since it was booted or the safety limits were set.