C API Remarks ------------- Note: the shared libraries will be searched using `ctypes `_. If you would like to force a certain shared library to be loaded, set the ``HEBI_C_LIB`` and ``HEBI_C_WRAPPER_LIB`` environment variable to the location of the binary. Environment Variables --------------------- ``HEBI_DEBUG`` will enable lots of debugging messages. You will be able to view all internal C API calls made. This can be useful if your program segfaults or crashes for some strange reason. Note that the C API also uses this variable to print mini core dumps on a crash. If you are to report a bug to HEBI developers, please reproduce your bug with ``HEBI_DEBUG`` enabled and provide the output when the mini core dump is printed to stderr. In a future release, ``HEBI_PROFILE`` will enable profiling of internal C API calls **on all threads**. This can be used in addition to a Python profiler such as yappi or cProfile. Enabling this enables a good bit of overhead, especially in addition to a Python profiler. This is currently unsupported. ``HEBI_C_LIB`` enables you to select which HEBI C API (``libhebi.so``, ``hebi.dll`` or ``libhebi.dylib``) shared library to load to use for the Python API. This allows you to use a specialized version or different version of the API than what is provided with this package. ``HEBI_C_WRAPPER_LIB`` enables you to select which HEBI C wrapper (``libhebiWrapper.so``, ``hebiWrapper.dll`` or ``libhebiWrapper.dylib``) shared library to load to use for the Python API. This allows you to use a specialized version or different version of the wrapper library than what is provided with this package.