MATLAB File Help: HebiGroup/send
 send sends commands and settings to modules.
    This method provides a variety of selectors to send commands, gains,
    LEDs, as well as a several useful settings and flags. This method returns
    immediately and does not wait until outgoing packets have arrived at
    the receiving modules.
    'Boot' boots a module from bootloader mode into application
    mode. It expects a boolean value (true will boot) and can
    only be used in supported modes (e.g. bootloader mode).
    'Command' ('cmd') is used to send common control loop set points
    such as positions, velocities, or efforts. It expects a CommandStruct.
    If struct fields are empty or filled with NaN, the underlying control
    is disabled. For the common use case (set CommandStruct), the flag can
    be omitted (both valid use cases are shown below).
       % Enable/disable velocity control
       cmd = CommandStruct();
       cmd.velocity = zeros(1, group.getNumModules);
       t0 = tic;
       while toc(t0) < 5
           fbk = group.getNextFeedback: % limit loop rate
           group.send('cmd', cmd); 
       cmd.velocity = [];
    'IoCommand' ('IoCmd') is used to send pin commands to supporting
    modules, e.g., I/O boards. It expects an IoCommandStruct. Fields that
    are empty or contain NaN/Inf values will not be sent. For the common
    use case (set IoCommandStruct), the flag can be omitted.
       % map pins (improves readability)
       selectedPin = 'e1';
       % set digital pin to 1
       ioCmd = IoCommandStruct();
       ioCmd.(selectedPin) = 1;
    'Gains' sets control loop gains. Note that there are many tuning
    parameters that depend on the used control strategy. If you need
    to reset gains, you can simply reboot a module to restore the
    previously persisted gains.
       % set effort limits of +/- 1.5 Nm
       n = group.getNumModules();
       limit = 1.5;
       gains = GainStruct();
       gains.effortMaxOutput = ones(1,n) * limit;
       gains.effortMinOutput = ones(1,n) * -limit;
       group.send('gains', gains);
    'SafetyParams' sets safety related parameters such as joint
    limits. If you need to reset parameters, you can simply
    reboot the device to restore previously persisted
       % remove position limits
       limits = SafetyParamsStruct();
       limits.positionMinLimit = ones(1,n) * -inf;
       limits.positionMaxLimit = ones(1,n) * +inf;
       group.send('SafetyParams', limits);
    'LED' sets the led color. This is often useful when synchronizing video
    to feedback and for timing analysis in combination with a high-speed
    camera. Colors can be set identically for all modules, or individually
    for each module. The string mappings can be found in 'help plot'.
       group.send('led', 'red'); % set all to red
       group.send('led', [0 0 1]); % set all to blue [r g b] [0-1]
       group.send('led', []); % reset to default mode
    'Name' sets the names for individual modules. It expects a {1xN cell}
    array of module names, where N is the number of modules in a group.
    Valid names are limited to alphanumerical characters, spaces, and
    'Family' sets the family for all or individual modules. It expects a
    single string or an {1xN cell} array of strings. Valid families are
    limited to alphanumerical characters, spaces, and underscores.
    'Persist' saves all the settings and gains that are currently set on 
    on a module, so that they are loaded after reboot.  It expects a 
    boolean value. True will save settings, false has no effect.
    'Reset' reboots a module. It expects a boolean value and can only be
    used in supported modes (e.g. application mode). True will reboot a
    module, false has no effect.
    'PositionLimit' ('PosLim') sets safety limits for position.
    Safety limits act as a virtual hard stop and are independent of gains.
    'VelocityLimit' ('VelLim') sets safety limits for velocity.
    Safety limits act as a virtual hard stop and are independent of gains.
    'EffortLimit' ('EffLim') sets safety limits for effort.
    Safety limits act as a virtual hard stop and are independent of gains.
    'ReferencePosition' sets the current position (feedback) by adjusting
    the user-settable reference point for the zero position. This persists
    automatically. This is the same as setting the reference point for
    Position in the 'Device' tab of the Scope GUI.
    'OffsetReferencePosition' offsets the current position (feedback) by
    offsetting the user-settable reference point for the zero position.
    'ZeroReferenceDeflection' sets the deflection of the internal spring
    to zero. Note that this will also cause the effort (feedback) to also be
    zero. Only do this when the actuator is unloaded.
    'OffsetReferenceDeflection' adjusts the internal spring deflection. Note
    that this will cause a jump in the effort feedback that depends on the
    spring constant (may or may not be linear).
    'SpringConstant' sets the internal stiffness parameter for an actuator
    that is used to turn its sensed spring deflection into an estimated 
    effort (torque). This is a linear spring constant, units are Nm/rad. 
    The current spring constant can be determined by getting a 'full' 
    feedback and dividing the negative effort by the measured deflection 
    (-fbk.effort ./ fbk.deflection).
    'RequestAck' ('Ack') requests message acknowledgements from each 
    device. This method will return true if acknowledgements have been
    received from all devices within this group and within the specified
    'Timeout' [s] the deadline for receiving acknowledgements before
    this method aborts and returns false. (Default 0.5s)
    'AccelIncludeGravity' [true|false] allows removing accelerations
    due to gravity from the accelerometer feedback at the device level.
    This has no effect on devices without hardware support.
    'AppendLog' [string] appends a string to devices that support log
    output. This is often useful for providing user feedback on mobile
    'ClearLog' [true] clears log output generated by 'AppendLog'.
       % Provide continuous user feedback to a mobile controller
       group = HebiLookup.newGroupFromNames('HEBI','mobileIO');
       while true
           fbk = group.getNextFeedbackIO();
           logMsg = ['A1: ' num2str(fbk.a1) newline ...
                     'A2: ' num2str(fbk.a2) newline ...
                     'B1: ' num2str(fbk.b1) newline];
           group.send('ClearLog', true, 'AppendLog', logMsg);
    Note that all options can be combined as required. Options that get set
    in the same function call will be packed into the same outgoing packet.
       % Indicate with led that family has been set
       group.send('family', 'MyRobot', 'led', 'r');
See also
Method Details
Access public
Sealed false
Static false