MATLAB File Help: HebiArm |
HebiArm is a higher-level API for working with serial configurations HebiArm simplifies many of the tasks commonly encountered when with arm-like configurations such as trajectory replanning, acceleration compensation, and keeping track of auxiliary state such as a gripper. It also features a plugin mechanism to enable optional features such as offsetting efforts when working with external springs, or adding impedance control. Example % Setup the arm group = HebiLookup.newGroupFromNames('Arm', 'J*'); kin = HebiUtils.loadHRDF('A-2085-06.hrdf'); arm = HebiArm(group, kin); % Move to home position arm.update(); arm.setGoal(homePosition); while ~arm.isAtGoal() arm.update(); arm.send(); end
Superclasses | handle |
Sealed | false |
Construct on load | false |
HebiArm | requires a HebiGroup of devices and a corresponding |
group | |
kin | |
pluginList | plugins as a list |
plugins | plugin lookup by names |
state | |
traj | |
trajGen |
clearGoal | cancels any active goal, returning to a | |
Static | createFromConfig | creates a HebiArm according to the config |
delete | Delete a handle object. | |
getPluginByType | Retrieves a plugin by its plugin type | |
getProgress | returns normalized [0-1] time of where trajectory is | |
isAtGoal | ||
Sealed | isvalid | Test handle validity. |
send | sends the current command state to the module group | |
setGoal | arm.setGoal(pos, 'velocities', vel, 'accelerations', accel, 'time', time); | |
update | reads feedback and updates internal state |
ObjectBeingDestroyed | Notifies listeners that a particular object has been destroyed. |