MATLAB File Help: hebi
Contents of hebi :

CommandStruct                  - is used to send commands to groups of modules.
FeedbackStruct                 - shows feedback coming from groups of modules.
FocCommandStruct               - is used to send commands to groups of modules.
GainStruct                     - can be used to set gains of groups
HebiArm                        - is a higher-level API for working with serial configurations
HebiArmPlugin                  - interface for custom HebiArm plugins
HebiEnum                       - maps strategies and states to human readable values
HebiGripper                    - interface for 
HebiGroup                      - is a collection of one or more modules.
HebiKinematics                 - provides basic kinematic methods for HEBI modules
HebiLookup                     - searches the network for modules and forms groups
HebiMaps                       - Public API
HebiMobileIO                   - is utility wrapper for the HEBI Robotics mobileIO phone app
HebiPoseFilter                 - DEPRECATED pose filter for fusing IMU feedback.
HebiTrajectory                 - represents a precomputed trajectory path
HebiTrajectoryGenerator        - provides support for creating trajectories
HebiUtils                      - contains general utilitites for HEBI tools
IoCommandStruct                - can be used to send IO commands to groups
LocalStateStruct               - is used to set local state for logging purposes.
SafetyParamsStruct             - can be used to set safety parameters of groups
hebi_config                    - exposes default parameters that can be edited if needed
hebi_load                      - loads HEBI libraries