MATLAB File Help: HebiMobileIO
  HebiMobileIO is utility wrapper for the HEBI Robotics mobileIO phone app
    HebiMobileIO Methods:
    findDevice         - repeatedly searches the network until the device is found
    initializeUI       - initializes all UI elements to their default state
    setAxisSnap        - sets the axis snap position
    setAxisValue       - sets the axis position
    setAxisLabel       - sets the axis label
    setButtonToggle    - sets the button toggle mode
    setButtonIndicator - sets a visual indicator around a button
    setButtonLabel     - sets the button label
    addText            - appends a message to the text display
    clearText          - clears the text display
    setLedColor        - sets the edge led color
    clearLedColor      - clears the edge led color
    update             - updates internal state with the next feedback
    getFeedback        - gets 'io' and 'mobile' views of feedback
    getFeedbackIO      - gets 'io' view of feedback
    getFeedbackMobile  - gets 'mobile' view of feedback
    getOrientation     - gets 3x3 orientation matrix based on IMU data
    getArOrientation   - gets 3x3 orientation matrix based on AR data
    getArPosition      - gets 3x1 position vector based on AR data
    getArPose          - gets 4x4 6-dof pose based on AR data
    sendVibrate        - sends a command to vibrate the device
See also
Class Details
Superclasses handle
Sealed false
Construct on load false
Constructor Summary
HebiMobileIO Construct an instance of this class 
Property Summary
Method Summary
  addText appends a message to the text display 
  clearLedColor clears the edge led color 
  clearText clears the text display 
  delete Delete a handle object. 
Static   findDevice searchController repeatedly searches the network until the 
  getArOrientation returns a 3x3 orientation matrix based on AR data 
  getArPose returns a 4x4 transform of the 6-dof pose based on AR data 
  getArPosition returns a 3x1 position vector based on AR data 
  getFeedback returns 'mobile' and 'io' views of the latest feedback 
  getFeedbackIO returns the 'io' view of the latest feedback 
  getFeedbackMobile returns the 'mobile' view of the latest feedback 
  getOrientation returns a 3x3 orientation matrix based on IMU data 
  initializeUI initializes all UI elements to their default state 
Sealed   isvalid Test handle validity. 
  sendVibrate sends a command to vibrate the device 
  setAxisLabel sets the axis label 
  setAxisSnap sets the axis snap position 
  setAxisValue sets the axis position 
  setButtonIndicator sets a visual indicator around a button 
  setButtonLabel sets the button label 
  setButtonToggle sets the button toggle mode 
  setLedColor sets the edge led color 
  update updates internal state with the next feedback 
Event Summary
ObjectBeingDestroyed Notifies listeners that a particular object has been destroyed.