MATLAB File Help: HebiArmPlugin
  HebiArmPlugin interface for custom HebiArm plugins
    Plugins have access to the arm state and may modify it as needed.
    Plugin specific state may also be stored in the state struct, 
    but users are responsible for avoiding variable name collisions.
    The always accessible fields are:
    * time [s]
    * dt [s] (time since last call, or 0 on first run)
    * fbk [struct]
    * cmdPos [rad]
    * cmdVel [rad/s]
    * cmdAccel [rad/s^2]
    * cmdEffort [Nm|N]
See also
Class Details
Superclasses handle
Sealed false
Construct on load false
Constructor Summary
HebiArmPlugin interface for custom HebiArm plugins 
Property Summary
enabled whether the plugin should be run 
enabledRatio current enabled ratio 
lastTimestamp Timestamp when the ramping started 
name of the plugin 
rampTime time in seconds to apply full effects after enabling. zero 
targetRatio target ratio 
Method Summary
Static   createFromConfigMap loads plugins from a robot config plugin map 
  delete Delete a handle object. 
protected   getRampScale Figure out the step delta (dt / rampTime) 
Sealed   isvalid Test handle validity. 
Abstract   update  
Event Summary
ObjectBeingDestroyed Notifies listeners that a particular object has been destroyed.