MATLAB File Help: HebiMobileIO/setAxisSnap
  setAxisSnap sets the axis snap position
    This method sets the 'snap' position of specified axes. When
    the snap value is set, an axis will automatically return  
    to once it is not actively being pressed. 'nan' deactivates
    'Axes' Argument (required)
       The axis or an array of axes, e.g., [1 2] for a1 and a2
    'Values' Argument (optional)
       A scalar, or an array of values specific for each axis.
       Defaults to zero when unspecified.
      % Enable snapping on a1/a2 and disable on a3/a4
      mobileIO.setAxisSnap([1 2 3 4], [0 0 nan nan]);
Method Details
Access public
Sealed false
Static false