MATLAB File Help: HebiGripper/open
 open	 Open file in appropriate application.
    open NAME opens the file or variable specified by NAME in the 
    appropriate application. For example, variables open in the Variables 
    Editor, MATLAB code files open in the MATLAB Editor, and Simulink 
    models open in Simulink. 
    If NAME is a MAT-file, MATLAB returns the variables in NAME to a 
    If NAME does not include an extension, MATLAB searches for variables 
    and files according to the function precedence order.
    A = open(NAME) returns a structure if NAME is a MAT-file or a figure
    handle if NAME if a figure. Otherwise, open returns an empty array.
      open f2                   First looks for a variable named f2, then 
                                looks on the path for a file named f2.slx, 
                                f2.mdl, f2.mlapp, f2.mlx, or f2.m.  Error 
                                if can't find any of these.
      open f2.mat               Error if f2.mat is not on path.
      open d:\temp\data.mat     Error if data.mat is not in d:\temp.
    open is user-extensible.  To open a file with the extension ".XXX",
    open calls the helper function OPENXXX, that is, a function
    named 'open', with the file extension appended.
    For example,
       open('foo.log')       calls openlog('foo.log')
       open foo.log          calls openlog('foo.log')
    You can create your own OPENXXX functions to set up handlers 
    for new file types.  open will call whatever OPENXXX function 
    it finds on the path.
See also
Method Details
Access public
Sealed false
Static false