Chebi::Command::Settings::Actuator | Actuator-specific settings, such as controller gains |
Chebi::Command::Actuator | Actuator-specific commands |
Chebi::Info::Settings::Actuator | Actuator-specific settings, such as controller gains |
Chebi::Info::Actuator | Actuator-specific information |
Chebi::Feedback::Actuator | Actuator-specific feedback |
Chebi::arm::Arm | |
Chebi::Command::BoolField | A message field representable by a bool value |
Chebi::Info::BoolField | A message field representable by a bool value |
Chebi::Color | Structure to describe an RGB color |
Chebi::Command | Command objects have various fields that can be set; when sent to the module, these fields control internal properties and setpoints |
►Chebi::arm::EndEffectorBase | |
Chebi::arm::Gripper | |
Chebi::Lookup::EntryList | |
Chebi::Feedback::EnumField< T > | A message field representable by an enum of a given type |
Chebi::Command::EnumField< T > | A message field representable by an enum of a given type |
Chebi::Info::EnumField< T > | A message field representable by an enum of a given type |
Chebi::Feedback::EnumField< ArQuality > | |
Chebi::Info::EnumField< CalibrationState > | |
Chebi::Feedback::EnumField< CommandLifetimeState > | |
Chebi::Command::EnumField< ControlStrategy > | |
Chebi::Info::EnumField< ControlStrategy > | |
Chebi::Feedback::EnumField< EffortLimitState > | |
Chebi::Feedback::EnumField< MstopState > | |
Chebi::Command::EnumField< MstopStrategy > | |
Chebi::Info::EnumField< MstopStrategy > | |
Chebi::Feedback::EnumField< PositionLimitState > | |
Chebi::Command::EnumField< PositionLimitStrategy > | |
Chebi::Info::EnumField< PositionLimitStrategy > | |
Chebi::Feedback::EnumField< TemperatureState > | |
Chebi::Feedback::EnumField< VelocityLimitState > | |
Chebi::Feedback | Feedback objects have various fields representing feedback from modules; which fields are populated depends on the module type and various other settings |
Chebi::util::file::File | |
Chebi::Command::FlagField | A two-state message field (either set/true or cleared/false) |
Chebi::Info::FlagField | A two-state message field (either set/true or cleared/false) |
Chebi::Feedback::FloatField | A message field representable by a single-precision floating point value |
Chebi::Command::FloatField | A message field representable by a single-precision floating point value |
Chebi::Info::FloatField | A message field representable by a single-precision floating point value |
Chebi::FunctionCallResult | Used as a return |
Chebi::Gains< MessageRefType, FloatFieldType, BoolFieldType, FloatEnumType, BoolEnumType > | |
Chebi::Gains< HebiCommandRef, FloatField, BoolField, HebiCommandFloatField, HebiCommandBoolField > | |
Chebi::Gains< HebiInfoRef, FloatField, BoolField, HebiInfoFloatField, HebiInfoBoolField > | |
Chebi::arm::Goal | |
Chebi::Group | Represents a group of physical HEBI modules, and allows Command, Feedback, and Info objects to be sent to and received from the hardware |
Chebi::GroupCommand | A list of Command objects appropriate for sending to a Group of modules; the size() must match the number of modules in the group |
Chebi::GroupCommandWrapper | |
Chebi::GroupFeedback | A list of Feedback objects that can be received from a Group of modules; the size() must match the number of modules in the group |
Chebi::GroupFeedbackWrapper | |
Chebi::GroupInfo | A list of Info objects that can be received from a Group of modules; the size() must match the number of modules in the group |
Chebi::GroupInfoWrapper | |
Chebi::Feedback::HighResAngleField | A message field for an angle measurement which does not lose precision at very high angles |
Chebi::Command::HighResAngleField | A message field for an angle measurement which does not lose precision at very high angles |
Chebi::Info::HighResAngleField | A message field for an angle measurement which does not lose precision at very high angles |
Chebi::robot_model::IKResult | |
Chebi::Info::Settings::Imu | IMU-specific settings |
Chebi::Feedback::Imu | Inertial measurement unit feedback (accelerometers and gyros) |
Chebi::Command::Settings::Imu | IMU-specific settings |
Chebi::Info | Info objects have various fields representing the module state; which fields are populated depends on the module type and various other settings |
CInit | |
Chebi::Info::Io | Any available digital or analog output pins on the device |
Chebi::Feedback::Io | Feedback from any available I/O pins on the device |
Chebi::Command::Io | Any available digital or analog output pins on the device |
Chebi::Info::IoBank | A message field for interfacing with a bank of I/O pins |
Chebi::Feedback::IoBank | A message field for interfacing with a bank of I/O pins |
Chebi::Command::IoBank | A message field for interfacing with a bank of I/O pins |
Chebi::IpAddress | A simple wrapper class for IpAddress objects |
Chebi::Command::IpAddressField | A message field representable by an unsigned 64 bit integer value |
Chebi::Info::IpAddressField | A message field representable by an unsigned 64 bit integer value |
Chebi::arm::internal::KinematicsHelper | |
Chebi::Info::LedField | A message field for interfacing with an LED |
Chebi::Feedback::LedField | A message field for interfacing with an LED |
Chebi::Command::LedField | A message field for interfacing with an LED |
Chebi::LogFile | |
Chebi::Lookup | Maintains a registry of network-connected modules and returns Group objects to the user |
Chebi::MacAddress | A simple wrapper class for internal C-API HebiMacAddress objects to allow interfacing with API calls that use MAC addresses |
►Chebi::robot_model::MetadataBase | Base class for all metadata. Do not instantiate directly |
Chebi::robot_model::ActuatorMetadata | Actuator specific view of an element in a RobotModel instance |
Chebi::robot_model::BracketMetadata | Bracket specific view of an element in a RobotModel instance |
Chebi::robot_model::JointMetadata | Joint specific view of an element in a RobotModel instance |
Chebi::robot_model::LinkMetadata | Link specific view of an element in a RobotModel instance |
Chebi::robot_model::RigidBodyMetadata | Rigid Body specific view of an element in a RobotModel instance |
Chebi::Feedback::Mobile | Feedback generally from a mobile device such as a phone or tablet |
Chebi::util::MobileIO | |
Chebi::MutableProxyBitSet | |
Chebi::Command::NumberedFloatField | A message field containing a numbered set of single-precision floating point values |
Chebi::Feedback::NumberedFloatField | A message field containing a numbered set of single-precision floating point values |
►Chebi::robot_model::Objective | |
Chebi::robot_model::CustomObjective< N > | Allows you to add a custom objective function |
Chebi::robot_model::EndEffectorPositionObjective | |
Chebi::robot_model::EndEffectorSO3Objective | |
Chebi::robot_model::EndEffectorTipAxisObjective | |
Chebi::robot_model::JointLimitConstraint | |
Chebi::arm::Arm::Params | |
►Chebi::arm::plugin::Plugin | |
Chebi::arm::plugin::DoubledJoint | |
Chebi::arm::plugin::DynamicsCompensationEffort | |
Chebi::arm::plugin::EffortOffset | |
Chebi::arm::plugin::GravityCompensationEffort | Plugin for providing gravity compensating torques for the arm |
Chebi::arm::plugin::ImpedanceController | |
Chebi::arm::PluginConfig | |
Chebi::ProxyBitSet | |
Chebi::Quaternionf | Structure to hold a floating point quaternion (i.e., w/x/y/z components) |
Chebi::Feedback::QuaternionfField | A message field representable by a 3-D vector of single-precision floating point values |
Chebi::RobotConfig | |
Chebi::robot_model::RobotModel | Represents a chain or tree of robot elements (rigid bodies and joints) |
Chebi::Info::Settings | Module settings that are typically changed at a slower rate |
Chebi::Command::Settings | Module settings that are typically changed at a slower rate |
Chebi::Command::StringField | A message field representable by a std::string |
Chebi::Info::StringField | A message field representable by a std::string |
Chebi::trajectory::Trajectory | Represents a smooth trajectory through a set of waypoints |
Chebi::Info::UInt64Field | A message field representable by an unsigned 64 bit integer value |
Chebi::Feedback::UInt64Field | A message field representable by an unsigned 64 bit integer value |
Chebi::RobotConfig::UserData | |
Chebi::Vector3f | Structure to hold a 3-D floating point vector (i.e., x/y/z components) |
Chebi::Feedback::Vector3fField | A message field representable by a 3-D vector of single-precision floating point values |
CVersionChecker | |
Chebi::VersionNumber | A simple structure to hold a standard semantic versioning version number |