
Debian Package Repository

HEBI Robotics's Debian repository is currently hosted at: http://repo.hebi.us/debian/

Currently, we are only hosting an unstable distribution; the stable distribution will be created once our APIs have reached a stable release. The current repositories are designed to be compatible with any Linux distribution that has the Debian package manager; that means that you are not forced to use a specific Linux distro and version.

Adding the Package Signing Key

Currently, we do not have a GPG key for our repository. However, this is going to change very soon.

Adding the Repository

To add this repository to your machine's apt database, run the following command:

sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://repo.hebi.us/debian/ unstable non-free'

Note: some machines may not have the command apt-add-repository. The package software-properties-common should provide this functionality on Ubuntu and Debian distributions.

If this does not work, add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file: deb http://repo.hebi.us/debian/ unstable non-free However, this way is not recommended unless absolutely necessary, as manually editing this file can corrupt your apt install.

Syncing with the Repository

Upon adding the HEBI repository to your apt repository list, you should refresh your machine's package database. This will fetch the latest packages from the repository. To do this, run the following command:

sudo apt-get update

Until you run this command after adding the repository, your machine will not be able to install any HEBI Debian packages.

Installing a Package

To install a Debian package which HEBI Robotics provides, all you need to do is a single apt command. For instance, to install the HEBI C API, hebi-c, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install hebi-c
Updating your Packages

Provided there is a newer version of a HEBI Robotics package available than what you currently have installed, this package will be updated upon running the following command:

sudo apt-get upgrade

RPM Package Repository

Coming Soon